Ep. 109 How to make time for dinner (& nutritious meals) when you are a busy mompreneur
with Jennifer Kaplanski
I had the pleasure to sit down and talk with Jennifer Kaplanski who has been a private chef for more than 20 years. She has been cooking since she was 10 years old and was basically the designated cook in your home.
Jennifer discusses how food and preparing meals creates a connection environment for families and is passionate about how powerful that can be. She sheds insight on how to break down the process of meal preparation into a system that is user friendly to nourish your family.
“Everyone has the innate ability to cook once you have a few foundations in place.
Once you have that rhythm and that system, then it’s like a well oiled machine.“
Discussed in this Episode...
What’s your kitchen flow?
- What doesn’t belong here
- Is there a sweatshirt over there
- Is there a pile of mail on the table
- Are there backpacks
- Are there shoes on the floor
- What should be removed from your kitchen
- You need to retrain your family
- Set new rules about what can and can not come into the kitchen
- Set a timer to pick up things that don’t belong
- Your kitchen should be a place of
- Calm
- Refuge
- Peace
When we have a cleared out space, we’re able to make smarter decisions
- We are reckless when there’s stress that’s built up
- We get cluttered within ourselves
- We start grabbing for easy fixes
Creating order in your pantry
- Stock up in your pantry all your go to meals
- This allows you to quickly create a meal
- Without starting from the beginning
- You don’t have to plan out what you need
- You won’t have to go to the grocery store the same day
- Without starting from the beginning
- This allows you to quickly create a meal
- Once a month restock your pantry
- When you have things in order
- You don’t have to come up with a plan in the moment
- Keep your family’s favorite meals on hand
- It’s quick and easy
- No one will complain about the meals
- When you have things in order
You can start to shift your mindset with your favorite meals
- Use your favorite meals as prototypes
- Add in new flavors or spices
- This transforms your favorite meals into new ones
- You can build 10 different meals all from 1 of your favorites
- You already have the skills to create your go to meals
- Build off of those
- Add in new flavors or spices
You have the skills and recourses
- It just takes
- A little bit of cleanup in your environment
- Clarity
- Remove some of the overwhelm of stepping into the kitchen
- Get a system and process in place
- Stock up on your family’s top five meals
Create a schedule
- Are you going to be home
- Which days
- Is there a holiday
- Maybe there’s a built in pizza night
Come into it with an open mindset
- If you come at it with
- This is so hard
- I’m never going to get it
- Most likely that thought will be proven true
- If you come at it with a shift
- You decide to be resourceful
- With an attitude of, ‘How can I make this work?’
- The answer will come
- You will figure it out
- Everything starts with mindset
Get your kids involved
- Let them be apart of the dinner
- Ask them what they want
- Let them go shopping with you
- They can help with the cleanup
- It will build memories
What is your attitude around food?
- If you’re feeling guilty
- You’re kids will start to feel like somethings off
- If you’re feeling stressed
- You’re kids might feel like they are the reason that you’re stressed
- Kids are intuitive
- You’re kids might feel like they are the reason that you’re stressed
What are Magical meals?
- Jennifer’s program that creates a smoother routine for nourishing your family
- 30 minute meals that you can get on the table in broken down steps
Brilliant Recommendations:
Brilliant Recommendations:
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More about Jennifer:
Jennifer Kaplanski is a private chef with over 20 years of cooking in home kitchens. She is the founder of Magical Meals in 30 method. Jennifer helps busy working moms get 7+ hours back of their time per week without recipes, by helping them create a simple customized cooking system so they can reconnect to their family and come back to themselves.