Ep 58. What to do when you have no motivation or low energy
The Summer Shorts Series
"We can choose to do something different because you're the boss, Mama! Don't forget, you are the boss, you get to set the pace, you get to set the schedule, you get to set the agenda."
Discussed in this Episode...
Choose a low-energy task
Give yourself permission to rest
We tend to burn the candle at both ends and give ourselves unrealistic expectations of go-go juice, hyped-up-on-iced-coffee accomplishments. We put a ton of pressure on ourselves! Maybe your lack of motivation is your body is telling you, “hey, I need a rest so that I can do what we truly want to do.” It’s just not realistic for us to expect ourselves to go nonstop without rest. There are seasons where we need more rest and seasons where we can push through. And that’s okay!
So check in with yourself. Do you need to give yourself the permission to rest? To unplug? To put your phone down and stop thinking about your business for a minute? Maybe you need to give yourself that permission today.
Phone a business bestie
By business bestie I mean somebody who can understand and knows what it’s like to have that entrepreneur mindset. Someone who knows how it can get frustrating, who knows the ups and downs, who you can call and say, “Okay, I’m not feeling it”. Being able to talk things through with someone who understands the industry, who understands what you’re going through, who listens and sympathizers empathizes with you, can revive you! And oftentimes I find that just calling that business bestie and getting everything I feel off of my chest makes me feel better!
And if you don’t have a friend in the entrepreneur world, let’s get you connected with somebody in the Facebook group. The brilliant mompreneur society on Facebook is a great place to start a thread, saying you’re looking for a business bestie. I guarantee you there are other women in that group who are also looking for a business bestie! And trust me, I know it might be a little scary to reach out to people, but I have found some of my best friends in the business world and in life from reaching out on Facebook groups. It’s amazing. I promise it’s worth it.
Go back to your why, your wins, and your passion.
Why are you doing this in the first place? Go back to the things that you have accomplished. Sometimes we are so focused on getting what’s next that we forget to celebrate and be proud of the wins that we have made. My husband is really awesome at reminding me of the wins in my business. He reminds me to look at how far I’ve come and at all the things I’m doing. So let me be the one right now to remind you! Look at what you’ve done! Look at what you’ve built from literally nothing! Look at what you have accomplished! You are amazing!
When you get excited about the work that you’ve done, and the things that you’ve accomplished, what you’ve helped others accomplish, when you lean back into the passion, what lights you up? What makes you excited to be part of this business? Going back to your why!
We can get that motivation back just by reminding ourselves of our journey. and the power of our personal story, our personal wins, and our passion that no one understands can reignite us. So if you’re feeling low energy this week or not, or don’t have a lot of motivation for your business, know that you’re not alone. And it’s okay! You’re gonna survive this season.
More about Lani Jackson:
Lani is a mom to 6 kids, and wife to her husband of 15 years. She survives on caffeine, laughing with her kids, cooking in the kitchen, hiding in the pantry eating chocolate, and helping other women know they are not alone in the chaos of motherhood & their entrepreneur journey.
She is a Clarity & Strategy Coach for mom entrepreneurs! Helping them to create flexible strategies that adjust and move with the chaos of mom life, but still bring consistent monthly income. Her mission is to help mompreneurs get out of survival mode, release the mom guilt, and create a clear plan of action that will help them reach their dreams of consistent monthly income, flexibility, and freedom.