Ep. 71 The Best Strategy for Launching Your Course or Membership

with Meg Burrage

Hey BRILLIANT mamas! 
Creating an online course or membership can be an amazing way to build a flexible, family-friendly business! But where do we start? What to do build? How do we market it? It seems with each answer there is another question, and the whole process could feel extremely overwhelming. Today though, we’re chatting with Meg Burrage; and brilliant Mompreneur who has built an online business, a team, and a lifestyle around her family and want’s you to know that YOU CAN TOO!

"Something that I did with my program was gamifying everything! Little games at the end of every module that would unlock bonuses, points, badges and leaderboards every week. I think you could quite easily just transfer some of those games into a webinar! Just make it possible for everyone to just play along and just come up with different ways to entertain people during the class."

Discussed in this Episode...

What is Kajabi and What can it do for our Business?

When people first hear of Kajabi they often say something like, “what’s a Kajabi?” Little do they know what a life-changing tool it could be! Kajabi is the most intuitive, easy to use, learning management platform for people who are looking to create courses or memberships. It’s for people who have some kind of digital program that they’re going to offer. It replaces your website, sends out your marketing emails, has its own checkout, and has pretty much everything in one spot. If you are planning an online course, definitely check out Kajabi!

What Should we Consider When Deciding on a Product to Create?

Everything really depends on what kind of program you’re launching! So that’s the first decision! Are you going to create an eight-week signature course, or an open ended membership? Really take time to think about how is this going to work with your lifestyle? Do you want to run a membership that goes on forever? Would you be able to come up with new content month to month? Even for a live signature program, are you clear on what’s going into your course? Because if you’re not clear, trying to come up with an eight-week signature program can be overwhelming. Based on what kind of program you come up with, you can pick a launch strategy that works best for that program!

What are Some of the Different Ways to Launch Your Product?

Meg’s very favorite launch strategy is a challenge! Within the industry, they typically find that a three day challenge works best. After day three people start dropping off and the engagement really goes down. So for Meg, a three day challenge is great! The reason she loves challenges over something like a webinar is because you get a few days to really connect with your audience. They all join a facebook group or something similar, you have live q&a sessions, you really get to know everyone over those few days and you can actually teach them something concrete. You can get an outcome in a few days that you wouldn’t be able to deliver on a 60 minute webinar.  Challenges are an amazing way of connecting with your audience; especially if you plan to sell something that’s more high ticket. 
Webinars are still another good idea though! For people who are working with like a time-poor audience, (like moms) running a multi-day challenge may not be the best option. So for them, a 60 minute webinar is great! This can apply to a corporate audience, or anyone who you see having an issue with a multi-day challenge. 
There’s so many other ways to launch too! More and more we’re seeing people who just can’t be bothered with the kerfuffle that goes on with a live launch. They warm their audience up with cool freebies, and just do a really good email sequence! Perhaps it’s not the massive hype and huge revenue peaks that you see with a big live launch, but if you’ve only got a small program, a really well written email sequence may be all you need.

More Discussed:

  • How hiring a nanny can give you more quality time with your kids
  • How can we Make Challenges Super Effective?
  • Ideas for creating a bonus for our programs
  • What should our goal be for challenge registrants?
  • Marketing a webinar
  • How to make a webinar fun!

More about Meg Burrage:

Meg’s business story started with a concept that won lots of awards, scored multiple media appearances, and very nearly sent her into bankruptcy. She missed the memo that a good idea simply wasn’t enough. The stress of that first business nearly killed her! Relationship strain, health issues, lost pregnancies, there was seemingly no light at the end of this entrepreneurial tunnel. Thankfully, a friend turned her attention to online course creation, and helping entrepreneurs without tech capabilities launch their online programs.

She quickly became obsessed with Kajabi because it enabled her to very quickly grow a new 6 figure business that meant her corporate life was a thing of the past, her husband had renewed faith in her capabilities, and she was able to run my business from the comfort of home!  

Today, she is a 6-figure launch specialist who helps women streamline and scale their online programs on the Kajabi platform.

More about Lani:

Lani is a mom to 6 kids, and wife to her husband of 15 years. She survives on caffeine, laughing with her kids, cooking in the kitchen, hiding in the pantry eating chocolate, and helping other women know they are not alone in the chaos of motherhood & their entrepreneur journey.

She is a Clarity & Strategy Coach for mom entrepreneurs! Helping them to create flexible strategies that adjust and move with the chaos of mom life, but still bring consistent monthly income. Her mission is to help mompreneurs get out of survival mode, release the mom guilt, and create a clear plan of action that will help them reach their dreams of consistent monthly income, flexibility, and freedom.

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