Episode Summary:

Hey BRILLIANT Mompreneurs! Today’s guest is a brilliant mama, Kelli Femrite. If you have ever wondered if it is okay to pivot in your business, then today’s episode is for you! Kelli shares her entrepreneurial journey and the many pivots she has taken along the way. Each pivot creating new business, new opportunities, and new income increases. 

BRILLIANT recommendations:

Brilliant Mompreneurs Society | Facebook 


Chillpreneur – Denise Duffield Thomas [affiliate]

Get rich, Lucky Bitch – Denise Duffield Thomas [affiliate]

About the Guest:

Kelli is a free-spirited yoga-loving, corporate mom turned web designer for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. She’s also the host of the podcast Confessions of a Working Mom, which is all about having great, real convos with working moms (and professionals who support working Moms) about all things mindset, balance, business, careers and family life! 

When not working on her web design business, podcasting or writing she can be found going on adventures with her 5-year old daughter, husband and two dogs.

Two separate websites: https://Kellifemrite.com for web design and

https://theworkingmomcollective.com for all things working mama related!

Grab a VIP day with Kelli – https://Kellifemrite.com/vip-day

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