Ep 82: It's time to disrupt the overwhelm cycle
with Lani Jackson
The struggle is real! We have too much to do and not enough time to do it. The overwhelm sets in and we get stuck in a loop that we can’t seem to get out of. It’s a vicious cycle. I was once stuck in that cycle but proud to say I broke through and changed my life forever and you can too!
Whatever your feelings are, embrace them, learn from them, and adjust from them. We’re gonna to be talking about some of these big feelings and in fact the vicious cycle that sometimes these feelings can create.
“You, as a mompreneur, can have the power back in your hands to say, I don’t have to live like this. I can disrupt it.
I can make the money that I want to. I could have the income I want to. I could profit in not just income, but in time, in energy in fulfillment and having a business that lights me up and supports my family and creates a dream life.”
Discussed in this Episode...
Listen as Lani shares:
You have too much to do and not enough time to do it.
- What will help?
- Having a system or process
- What’s stopping you?
- There’s no time to set up the system or process
- You get stuck in a loop of overwhelm
We have to disrupt the cycle of:
- Too much to do
- Being overwhelmed
- No time to
- Get organized
- Create strategies
- Set up systems and processes
How do you get out of the never ending cycle?
- You have to disrupt the cycle
- Have a mindset shift
- Do a ‘brain dump’ by making a list of everything that overwhelms you
- Make a list of all the things you want to do
- Create a repeatable and sustainable action
- Make sure everything is energetically aligned to you
What you must do to break the cycle
- Customize for yourself
- Your thoughts
- Your business
- Your strategies
- Your operations
- Your systems
- Your processes
- Customize to your
- Time
- Energy
- Priorities
- Goals
How do you do it for you?
- Start with Self-Leadership
- Create sustainable, repeatable actions
- Work with your zone of genius
How will you profit from disrupting the cycle?
- In fulfillment
- Create a dream life
- Break the overwhelm cycle
- Create a life you’re proud of
- Eliminating mom guilt
- More pride, joy, and happiness
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More about Lani:
Lani is a mom to 6 kids, and wife to her husband of 15 years. She survives on caffeine, laughing with her kids, cooking in the kitchen, hiding in the pantry eating chocolate, and helping other women know they are not alone in the chaos of motherhood & their entrepreneur journey.
She is a Clarity & Strategy Coach for mom entrepreneurs! Helping them to create flexible strategies that adjust and move with the chaos of mom life, but still bring consistent monthly income. Her mission is to help mompreneurs get out of survival mode, release the mom guilt, and create a clear plan of action that will help them reach their dreams of consistent monthly income, flexibility, and freedom.